Mohammad ShahibZadeh

Mohammad ShahibZadeh

iOS developer

Github Telegram Resume

Cheetah Download Manager

Manage your downloads in iDevices with maximum speed and supports for background downloading and download social media contents

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Are you familiar with Netflix? Muvi is a Persian alternative to Netflix with a vast database, supports for automatic subtitles, offline mode, and more

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Music Time

Download, store and play your favorite songs on your iPhone with the ability to make playlists and share files with your friends with Music Time: a standalone iOS music player

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Insta Time

Are you Exhausted of screenshots and screen recordings? try InstaTime! , InstaTime is a free app that allows you to download and save Instagram posts and stories easily

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MUDownloadButton is a progressive download button inspired by the AppStore download button written in swift 5 for iOS 13+

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